of men under 50 years old
of women under 70 years old
Лікування Рубцевої Алопеції
Лікування Рубцевої Алопеції

Determining the stage of alopecia for a free hair transplant consultation

Fill out this short form to receive a free consultation and information about the possible cost of the procedure.

01.Select the state of your hair loss

02.Select the state of your hair loss

How old are you ?
How long have you been losing your hair?

03.Contact data


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    Why does cicatricial alopecia develop?

    Scarring alopecia (also known as cicatricial alopecia) is characterized by hair loss that occurs due to follicular damage and leads to scarring of the skin. This is a rare type of baldness, but it can have serious consequences and even lead to permanent hair loss in the affected areas.


    Injuries, burns

    This process can lead to a gradual decrease in the skin’s ability to grow hair and the formation of localized bald patches.


    Skin infections

    The process can occur due to bacterial, viral or fungal infections that cause inflammation and damage to the skin.


    Systemic diseases

    Certain systemic diseases, such as lymphoma or alopecia areata, can also lead to scarring alopecia due to autoimmune processes.


    Hereditary predisposition

    The risk of developing cicatricial alopecia may be higher due to shared genetic characteristics that affect hair and skin.

    Signs of scarring alopecia areata

    If you are concerned about the signs of cicatricial alopecia or have already been diagnosed with cicatricial alopecia, make an appointment with our specialist. He will perform an examination, assess the condition of the affected area and select the best treatment method to restore the beauty and health of your hair.

    Втрата волосся на уражених ділянках шкіри

    Hair loss on affected skin areas

    Утворення рубців на шкірі, які можуть бути видимими або відчутними на дотик

    Formation of scars on the skin, which may be visible or palpable to the touch

    Зміна текстури, кольору або структури шкіри

    Changes in skin texture, color or structure

    Можлива поява відчуття свербіння, печіння або болю на уражених ділянках.

    Itching, burning or pain in the affected areas.

    Відсутність швів після процедури
    No scars
    Minimal damage to the skin
    Записатись на консультацію про рубцеву алопецію

    Are there effective treatments for scarring alopecia?

    In modern medicine, scarring alopecia is treated with a variety of methods, but remains the most effective way to restore it. One of the advanced hair transplantation methods that has proven its effectiveness in practice is FUE ARTAS. It is used in our clinic to eliminate scarring alopecia.

    Benefits of treating scarring alopecia:

    FUE ARTAS is effective for scarring alopecia of any severity. We take an individual approach to solving the problem and determine the optimal number of grafts to restore the natural appearance of the hair


    The result

    After the procedure, you get the most natural-looking hair and optimal filling density of the affected area.


    Lifelong effect

    Transplanted follicles remain active throughout life.


    No damage

    During graft transplantation, skin damage is minimal, which contributes to rapid rehabilitation and comfort.



    The use of local anesthesia makes the procedure comfortable for the patient.


    Quick solution

    FUE ARTAS transplantation allows you to get rid of baldness in one session.



    The method is suitable for men and women of all ages.


    No restrictions

    The procedure can be performed at any time of the year without the need for special training


    Fast rehabilitation

    Patients can return to normal life almost immediately after the procedure without significant restrictions

    Індивідуальний підхід
    Individual approach
    Рекомендації стосовно правильного догляду за волоссям
    Certified clinic
    Переваги лікування рубцевої алопеції у MHT Clinic

    Benefits of treating scarring alopecia in our clinic

    Our clinic is the only certified network in Ukraine authorized to use the FUE ARTAS hair transplant technology for cicatricial alopecia and other types of baldness. By contacting our specialists for help, you will be able to appreciate the following features and benefits:

    • A lifetime guarantee of the preservation of the result;
    • The ability to fully restore hair growth in the affected area;
    • The use of the latest robotic equipment;
    • Experienced transplant doctors;
    • Comfortable conditions in the clinic;
    • Individualized development of a treatment regimen for scarring alopecia;
    • Information support for the patient and support during the recovery period;


    Can the condition be completely cured with the FUE ARTAS method?

    In the transplanted area, the transplanted hair follicles completely accept and remain active for life. However, if the cause of scarring alopecia is not completely eliminated, other outbreaks of scarring alopecia may occur.

    What is the duration of FUE ARTAS transplantation?

    Hair transplantation for scarring alopecia takes from 3 to 6 hours and depends on the number of grafts to be transplanted and the extent of the alopecia area. The approximate duration of the procedure in a given case will be determined by the doctor after the examination.

    How is the FUE ARTAS hair transplant for scarring alopecia performed?

    Using ARTAS robotic technology, the doctor selects viable grafts (usually from the occipital region) and transplants them to scarred areas on the scalp. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it is completely painless. After transplantation, a sterile dressing may be applied to the treatment area.

    How does hair grow after transplantation?

    New hair begins to grow approximately 2-4 weeks after transplantation. The final result can be assessed 1 year after the procedure, when all hair follicles have entered the active phase. It is also important that FUE ARTAS hair transplantation does not cause scars or wounds in the treatment area.

    How much does it cost to treat scarring alopecia with the FUE ARTAS method?

    The cost of hair transplantation with the modern method depends on the number of grafts to be transplanted. The exact price can only be determined after an examination of the balding area. To find out the exact price of FUE ARTAS hair transplant for alopecia, schedule a consultation with our specialist.

    Get rid of complexes in one session

    Stop suffering from the complexes caused by hair loss, because the problem can be solved forever in just one session. To do this, just contact our clinic, which is the only one in Ukraine that performs hair transplantation using the innovative FUE ARTAS method.

    Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
    After undergoing the procedure, you get a lifetime guarantee for the result.

    Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

    We will always be happy to help you in our clinic