Lifetime warranty
FUE ARTAS technology
Переваги лікування рубцевої алопеції у MHT Clinic
Lifetime warranty
FUE ARTAS technology
Пересадка бороди з пожиттєвою гарантією
Lifetime warranty
FUE ARTAS technology
Пересадка брів з пожиттєвою гарантією
Пересадка волосся в Україні

Determining the stage of alopecia for a free hair transplant consultation

Fill out this short form to receive a free consultation and information about the possible cost of the procedure.

01. Select the state of your hair loss

02.Indicate your age and the duration of the problem

How old are you ?
How long have you been losing your hair?

03. Contact data


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    Досвідчені лікарі
    Experienced doctors
    Комплексний підхід
    A comprehensive approach
    Сучасна клініка з лікування облисіння за допомогою технології пересадки волосся ARTAS

    We are a modern clinic for the treatment of baldness using the ARTAS hair transplant technology

    The natural look of the hair and a guaranteed result after the transplant is the most important thing for us. That is why we have assembled a team of experienced hair transplant doctors in Europe and Ukraine, who practice a comprehensive approach when solving the problem of male pattern baldness.

    Popular services

    Пересадка волосся

    Hair transplant

    More than 10 million men in Ukraine suffer from androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as baldness. This pathology of the scalp, related to both genetics and hormones, affects every second man under 50 years of age. And it can start very early: some people start losing hair in their twenties.

    Пересадка волосся

    Beard transplant

    Eyebrow transplant

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    Check out our hands-on process videos

    The procedure of hair transplantation with the American robotic ARTAS device is painless, because the technology of artificial intelligence allows to reduce the invasiveness to a minimum.

    Вікторія Серняк

    Owner of MHT Clinic/Chief Doctor

    Victoria Sernyak

    Оля Ященко


    Olya Yashchenko

    Соломія Корнієнко


    Solomia Kornienko

    Тетяна Жулінська


    Tatiana Zhulinska

    Євгенія Колузанова


    Evgenia Koluzanova

    Сучасна технологія
    Modern technology
    Унікальний для України
    Unique for Ukraine
    Процедура трансплантації волосся американським роботизованим пристроєм ARTAS

    Natural and healthy looking hair in a painless way!

    The procedure of hair transplantation with the American robotic ARTAS device is painless, because the technology of artificial intelligence allows to reduce the invasiveness to a minimum.

    No scars or scars! Thanks to this approach, the result looks natural.
    As of today, MHT CLINIC is the only certified network of clinics authorized to carry out ARTAS robot transplantation in Ukraine.

    Latest articles

    Learn about modern treatment methods, patient success stories and get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

    Найкращі результати пересадки волосся в Україні

    Your flawless appearance is our personal victory!

    Our team includes experienced specialists who diagnose, consult and provide hair transplantation services.

    What you get:

    • A result that stays with you forever
    • Accompanying you at every stage of treatment
    • Help and advice on hair care and transplantation

    Our certificates

    It is important to prevent the development of the disease and control the process of baldness in the early stages. In our clinic, you will be helped to identify baldness in its initial stage:

    Get rid of complexes in one session

    It is enough to suffer from the complexes that baldness brings, because the problem can be solved forever in just one session. For this, it is enough to contact our clinic, which is the only one in Ukraine that performs hair transplantation using the innovative FUE ARTAS method.

    Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
    After the procedure, you get a lifetime guarantee for the result.

    Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

    We will always be happy to help you in our clinic

    Men’s Hair Transplantation Clinic!

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      MHT Clinic
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      MHT Clinic
      Medical resource "Hospitals"
      MHT Clinic
      Medical resource "Hospitals"
      MHT Clinic
      Medical resource "Hospitals"
      MHT Clinic
      Medical resource "Hospitals"