Years of experience
Satisfied patients
Вікторія Серняк -сертифікований хірург трансплантолог волосся
Консультація трихолога

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01.Select the state of your hair loss

02.Indicate your age and the duration of the problem

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How long have you been losing your hair?

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    Комфортне обстеження
    Comfortable examination
    Комфортні умови
    Comfortable conditions
    Консультація трихолога

    How is a consultation with a trichologist?

    We have created the most comfortable conditions in the clinic so that you feel at ease. At the beginning of the session, the doctor is interested in the problem and your complaints. After that, he conducts a visual inspection and, if necessary, prescribes an additional examination.

    • Scraping from the scalp with its laboratory examination
    • Clinical and biochemical blood analysis
    • Blood analysis for hormones
    • Inspection under the VUDA lamp
    • Trichogram

    What does a trichologist do?

    A trichologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats hair and scalp

    Проведення лікувальних процедур та заходів для покращення і відновлення волосся

    Carrying out treatment procedures and measures to improve and restore hair

    Профілактика випадіння волосся

    Prevention of hair loss, prevention of early destruction of its structure

    Рекомендації стосовно правильного догляду за волоссям

    Recommendations for proper hair and scalp care at home

    Getting complete information about the condition of the hair
    Establishing a diagnosis
    Selection of optimal methods of treatment
    Пересадка волосся

    Consultation with a trichologist

    Also, to assess the condition of the scalp, the doctor may prescribe a trichoscopy. This is a computer diagnosis of the state of the hair and scalp. During its conduct, the trichologist will be able to assess the problem and identify its possible cause.

    Реабілітація після пересадки волосся

    Trichoscopy helps to assess the state of the follicular apparatus


    How to prepare for an appointment with a trichologist?

    Before the doctor’s examination, you should not wash your hair later than 24 hours after the scheduled visit. It is also not recommended to apply cosmetics, medical preparations or styling products to the hair.

    How much does a trichologist consultation cost?

    You can find out the cost of a trichologist’s consultation in our price list or check with the administrator.

    What is included in a trichologist's consultation?

    At the appointment, the doctor examines complaints and medical history, examines the hair and scalp, assesses the condition of the skin, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands. If necessary, the trichologist performs diagnostic procedures to establish a diagnosis and selects treatment. A specialist can also help with the selection of care products.

    Is it possible to contact a trichologist to check the condition of the hair?

    Any problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate later. Therefore, you can contact a trichologist for a preventive examination and selection of home hair care products to preserve its health and beauty.

    How to understand that a consultation of a trichologist is needed?

    If you are concerned about hair loss, its dryness or, on the contrary, greasiness, problems with the scalp (dandruff, peeling, areas of redness, etc.), you should make an appointment with a trichologist.

    Get rid of complexes in one session

    Our clinic is the only one in Ukraine that has passed certification for the use of the innovative FUE ARTAS technology for eyebrow transplantation. The procedure is performed by an experienced transplant doctor, which guarantees its safe performance and an excellent result.

    Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
    After the procedure, you get a lifetime guarantee for the result.

    Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

    We will always be happy to help you at our Men’s Hair Transplantation Clinic!