of men by the age of 50
of women by the age of 70
Лікування андрогенної алопеції у чоловіків та жінок
безкоштовний аналіз стану волосся

Determining the stage of alopecia for a free hair transplant consultation

Fill out this short form to receive a free consultation and information about the possible cost of the procedure.

01.Select the state of your hair loss

02.Indicate your age and the duration of the problem

How old are you ?
How long have you been losing your hair?

03.Contact data


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    Why does androgenic alopecia develop?

    Androgenic alopecia is linked to hereditary factors and occurs under the influence of androgens, particularly the male sex hormone testosterone, and its byproduct dihydrotestosterone (DHT).



    Genetic predisposition makes certain hair follicles more sensitive to DHT.


    Follicle Reduction

    Under the influence of DHT, hair follicles shrink, causing the hair to become thinner and shorter


    Growth Phase

    Hair follicles enter a shorter active growth phase, resulting in the production of shorter and finer hair.


    Hair Loss

    Due to the shortened growth phase and extended resting phase, hair falls out faster than new hair can grow.

    Advantages of Treating Androgenic Alopecia with the Latest FUE ARTAS Method

    Our clinic uses the American robotic technology FUE ARTAS for hair transplantation in androgenic alopecia. This advanced system, enhanced with artificial intelligence, allows for the selection of the most viable grafts and their transplantation with minimal skin damage.

    Абсолютно прогнозований та природний результат

    Absolutely Predictable and Natural Results

    Збереження результату трансплантації волосся на все життя

    Lifetime Preservation of Hair Transplant Results

    Мінімальна травматичність

    Minimal Invasiveness

    Безболісність завдяки використанню місцевої анестезії

    Painless with Local Anesthesia

    Вирішення проблеми облисіння за одну процедуру

    One-Procedure Solution for Baldness

    Підходить чоловікам і жінкам різного віку

    Suitable for Men and Women of All Ages

    Відсутність сезонних обмежень та спеціальної підготовки

    No Seasonal Restrictions or Special Preparation Required

    Швидка реабілітація без суттєвих обмежень

    Rapid Rehabilitation Without Significant Restrictions

    Відновлення донорської зони
    Recommendations for Proper Hair Care
    Рекомендації стосовно правильного догляду за волоссям
    Lifetime Guarantee
    Лікування андрогенної алопеції у чоловіків та жінок

    Effective Solution for Androgenic Alopecia

    Hair loss due to androgenic alopecia negatively impacts psychological well-being and appearance. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue effectively, we offer cutting-edge treatment using the FUE ARTAS technology, backed by a lifetime guarantee for maintaining results.

    Why Choose Our Clinic for Treating Androgenic Alopecia?

    Our clinic is the only one in Ukraine officially certified and authorized to perform hair transplants using the innovative FUE ARTAS technology. We offer our patients a range of significant advantages:


    Unique Methodology

    We use a specialized technique for hair restoration tailored for androgenic alopecia and other types of hair loss.


    Lifetime Guarantee

    We provide a lifetime guarantee on maintaining the results of your hair transplant.



    he procedure is performed by an experienced hair transplant specialist.


    Personalized Solutions

    We find individualized solutions for each patient’s unique needs.


    Comprehensive Support

    We address all your questions and provide detailed instructions for post-procedure care.


    State-of-the-Art Equipment

    We use the latest certified equipment and high-quality materials and medications.



    We ensure a comfortable experience with minimal pain during the procedure.



    We are confident that everyone can have beautiful, thick hair, and we are dedicated to proving this through our results.


    What are the first signs of androgenic alopecia?

    The main symptom of androgenic alopecia is hair loss. It typically begins gradually, starting from the forehead and the top of the head, and then spreads to other areas. Eventually, hair often remains only on the sides of the scalp. If you notice the first signs, visit our clinic for a consultation.

    Can the development of androgenic alopecia be stopped by using vitamins?

    Since the mechanism of androgenic alopecia is linked to genetics and hormonal factors, vitamin supplements unfortunately will be ineffective in this case.

    How much does the treatment of androgenic alopecia with the FUE ARTAS method cost?

    The final cost of the procedure is determined individually, depending on the number of grafts transplanted. You can find approximate prices for hair restoration using the FUE ARTAS method in our price list or clarify them during a consultation with a specialist.

    How long does the hair transplant procedure take?

    Hair restoration using the FUE ARTAS method for androgenic alopecia takes between 3 to 6 hours, depending on the complexity of the transplant and the number of grafts.

    Why don't the transplanted hairs fall out after FUE ARTAS even with high sensitivity to androgen hormones?

    We select grafts from the occipital area because they are resistant to the harmful effects of the hormone DHT, which causes androgenic alopecia. Additionally, the procedure is performed by an experienced hair transplant specialist who strictly adheres to the approved protocol. Therefore, we provide a lifetime guarantee on maintaining the achieved results.

    Get rid of complexes in one session

    Stop suffering from the complexes caused by hair loss, because the problem can be solved forever in just one session. To do this, just contact our clinic, which is the only one in Ukraine that performs hair transplantation using the innovative FUE ARTAS method.

    Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
    After undergoing the procedure, you get a lifetime guarantee for the result.

    Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

    We will always be happy to help you in our clinic