Patients are awaiting beard transplants
Hair transplants performed
Пересадка бороди з пожиттєвою гарантією
Пересадка бороди з пожиттєвою гарантією

Find Out the Cost of a Beard Transplant for Your Case

Fill out this short form to receive a consultation regarding the cost of a beard transplant at MHT Clinic.

01. Select the Type of Your Beard

02.Indicate your age and the duration of the problem

How old are you ?
How long have you been losing your hair?

03.Contact data


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    Indications for the procedure

    A beard transplant using the advanced FUE ARTAS technology is performed in the following cases:


    Hair Loss

    Complete or partial hair loss due to burns, injuries, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.


    Personal Preferences

    Aesthetic preferences of the client and the desire to have a dense beard.


    Sparse Beard

    Genetically or hormonally induced sparse beard on the face.


    Concealing Imperfections

    The need to conceal scars, wounds, or other imperfections on the face with a beard.


    Age below 16


    Blood clotting disorders




    Individual intolerance to local anesthetics


    Mental disorders


    Inflammatory processes in the donor or transplant area

    Contraindications for Beard Transplantation

    Despite its minimal invasiveness and safety, beard transplantation has certain contraindications.

    Найкращий результат
    The best result
    Безпечна процедура
    Safe procedure
    Як виконується пересадка бороди методом FUE ARTAS

    How the FUE ARTAS Beard Transplant Procedure Works

    During the initial consultation, the doctor assesses the client’s expectations and determines the number of grafts needed from the donor area to achieve the desired result. The specialist also reviews the man’s medical history to rule out possible contraindications and ensure the safety of the procedure.

    Benefits of the FUE ARTAS Beard Transplant Method

    The beard transplant procedure is minimally invasive. After the procedure, the skin does not have cuts, scars, or wounds. This allows for a naturally dense beard to be achieved in just one session. The transplanted hairs using ARTAS robotic technology take root in 98% of cases and grow for a lifetime.

    Після вилучення фолікулів на шкірі на залишаються шрами чи гематоми

    After extracting the hair follicles, there are no scars or bruises left on the skin. A thin surgical tool with a diameter of approximately 0.6-0.9 mm is used for this purpose.

    Природний вигляд бороди

    Grafts are placed evenly across the entire surface, among existing hairs, taking into account their structure and growth direction.

    Можливість отримати швидкий результат

    The beard transplant is performed in a single session. About 6 months later, the man will be able to enjoy a dense, natural-looking beard.

    Process of Beard Hair Transplant

    The number of grafts for a beard hair transplant is determined individually for each client and depends on various factors. For a slight beard correction, about 2,000 grafts may be sufficient, while achieving a dense beard may require up to 4,000 grafts. In such cases, the procedure might be divided into 2 stages.


    Preparation of the Working Area

    Disinfection and local anesthesia are performed to avoid pain and discomfort. A specialized needle tool is used to make microscopic punctures and extract the hair follicle without significant damage to the skin. The extracted grafts are sorted and prepared for further implantation.



    In the next stage, each graft is implanted into a specific location, considering hair density, growth direction, and depth of insertion. The modern FUE ARTAS method allows for simultaneous puncturing of the skin and insertion of the graft, ensuring maximum hair acceptance.

    Fill in your details to schedule a consultation

    We are always happy to assist you at Men’s Hair Transplantation Clinic!

      Приймайте призначені лікарем препарати
      Follow the Doctor's Prescribed Medications
      Не відвідуйте спортивну залу
      Avoid Visiting the Gym
      Спіть на спині близько 2 тижнів
      Sleep on Your Back for About 2 Weeks
      Відновлення після пересадки бороди

      Post-Beard Transplant Recovery

      To enhance hair acceptance, it is also beneficial to maintain a balanced diet, increase protein intake, and avoid alcohol until full recovery.

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      Video of the Beard Transplant Procedure Using FUE ARTAS Technology

      The ARTAS beard transplant technology represents a revolutionary advancement in hair loss treatment. By ensuring the highest precision, customization, and effectiveness of the procedure, it offers patients the opportunity to achieve a natural appearance and density of the beard.


      Does a Beard Transplant Hurt?

      The beard hair transplant using ARTAS technology is completely painless because it is performed under local anesthesia. Patients usually relax during the procedure, and some even fall asleep.

      How Much Does a FUE ARTAS Beard Transplant Cost?

      The cost of a beard transplant using the modern FUE method depends on the number of grafts transplanted and is determined individually. The exact price will be provided by the doctor after the consultation.

      Is Hospitalization Required for a Beard Hair Transplant?

      No, the FUE ARTAS beard transplant is minimally invasive and performed on an outpatient basis. You can return home the same day as the procedure.

      How Long Does the FUE ARTAS Beard Transplant Take?

      The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the operation and the number of grafts transplanted. On average, the procedure lasts between 3 to 6 hours.

      Where Are the Donor Hairs Taken From for a Beard Transplant?

      For a beard hair transplant, the donor area is typically the occipital region (the back of the head). Hair extraction is done without damaging the skin, and discomfort is minimal. Only slight redness may occur.

      Natural Beard of the desired thickness - once and for all

      Our clinic is the only one in Ukraine that has passed certification for the use of the innovative FUE ARTAS technology for beard transplantation. The procedure is performed by an experienced transplant doctor, which guarantees its safe performance and an excellent result.

      Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
      We'll help you get a beard of the desired thickness in just 1 session and provide a lifetime guarantee

      Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

      We will always be happy to help you at our Men’s Hair Transplantation Clinic!