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Пересадка брів з пожиттєвою гарантією
Пересадка брів

Find Out the Cost of Eyebrow Transplantation for Your Case

Fill out this short form to receive a consultation regarding the cost of eyebrow transplantation.

01.Select the type of your eyebrows

02.Indicate your age and the duration of the problem

How old are you ?
How long have you been losing your hair?

03.Contact data


    Indications for the Procedure

    Eyebrow transplantation is a new but already quite popular hair transplant procedure that guarantees a natural result.


    Shape Change

    Desire to alter the natural shape of your eyebrows


    Traumatic Defects

    There are scars, burns, scars and other traumatic defects in the eyebrow area


    Tattoo Concealment

    Need to conceal old eyebrow tattoos



    Post-acne issues in the eyebrow area


    Bald Spots

    Uneven hair coverage or bald spots


    Medical Conditions

    Hair loss due to stress or certain medical conditions


    Inflammatory Skin Conditions in the Eyebrow Area






    Pregnancy and Breastfeeding


    Blood Coagulation Disorders


    Infectious Diseases and Acute Respiratory Viral Infections (ARVI)


    Allergic Reactions to Anesthetics


    Mental Disorders

    Contraindications for the Procedure

    The FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplantation procedure cannot be performed in certain cases:

    Advantages of Eyebrow Transplantation Using FUE ARTAS Technology

    Eyebrow transplantation is a new but already well-known hair transplant procedure that guarantees a natural and lifelike result.

    Мінімальний період відновлення та незначний дискомфорт під час сеансу

    Minimal recovery period and minimal discomfort during the session

    Можливість пересадки волосся з різних ділянок тіла

    Ability to transplant hair from various parts of the body

    Приживається до 92-98% пересаджених фолікулів

    92-98% of transplanted follicles successfully take root

    Досягнення максимально природного ефекту

    Achieves a highly natural effect

    Можливість досягти максимальної густоти брів

    Ability to achieve maximum eyebrow density

    Мінімальні ризики ускладнень у порівнянні з іншими методами

    Minimal risk of complications compared to other methods

    Відсутність швів після процедури

    No stitches are required after the procedure

    Пересаджені волоски залишаються на все життя

    Transplanted hairs last a lifetime

    Мінімальні ризики
    Minimal risks
    Природній ефект
    Natural effect
    Як проводиться пересадка брів FUE ARTHAS

    How Eyebrow Transplantation with FUE ARTAS is Performed

    The FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplantation procedure does not require any medicinal preparation. During the consultation, our doctor determines the necessary amount of donor material.

    Disadvantages of Eyebrow Transplantation Using the FUE ARTAS Method

    Eyebrows help create expressive facial features, highlighting its shape and enhancing your gaze. However, due to stress or trauma, eyebrows may sometimes not fully recover or regrow.

    У порівнянні з іншими методиками FUE ARTAS передбачає більшу тривалість сеансу

    FUE ARTAS sessions are longer compared to other methods

    Ціна трансплантації брів FUE ARTAS вища, ніж на інші методи пересадки волосся

    The cost of FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplantation is higher than other hair transplant methods

    Техніка потребує високої майстерності, тому важливо, щоб процедуру виконував кваліфікований спеціаліст з великим досвідом.

    This technique requires a high level of expertise, so it’s crucial that a highly experienced specialist performs the procedure

    Eyebrow Transplantation Process

    During the consultation, the specialist will design a template for the new shape of your eyebrows, considering your facial features and personal preferences. This template will be used during the transplantation process. The FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplantation takes about 2 hours.


    Template Application

    The template created during the consultation is transferred to the eyebrows.


    Material Extraction

    Next, the process of extracting donor material begins. Follicles are extracted along with their ecosystem, ensuring effective grafting after transplantation.


    Graft Implantation

    The extracted material is divided into individual grafts, which are implanted into the skin of the eyebrows through small incisions.


    Procedure Completion

    The doctor then applies an antiseptic dressing.

    Book a consultation

    Leave your contact details to receive a free expert assessment of your issue

      Процес первинної реабілітації
      Primary Recovery Process
      8-10 days
      Ріст пересаджених волосків
      Growth of Transplanted Hairs
      3-4 days
      Відновлення донорської зони
      Donor Area Recovery
      3-5 days
      Відновлення після пересадки брів

      Recovery After Eyebrow Transplantation

      The stable result is achieved because the occipital area, usually used as the donor site, is resistant to alopecia. Therefore, the transplanted hairs do not fall out even after a long time.


      Of transplanted hairs successfully take root

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      Video of the FUE ARTAS Procedure

      A few months after the procedure, the natural hair growth phase begins. During this time, the transplanted hairs start to be replaced by new ones. This process is natural and goes unnoticed by the patient. The final result can be evaluated after a year, when the eyebrow density becomes stable and reaches its maximum.


      How do eyebrows grow after an FUE transplant?

      Active growth of the transplanted hairs begins approximately 3 months after the procedure. The final effect—desired eyebrow density and shape—forms after 7-8 months or up to a year.

      When is the best time to undergo an FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplant?

      This innovative method is minimally invasive and safe, so it can be performed at any time of the year and regardless of age.

      Can eyebrows be dyed after a transplant?

      After full recovery and achieving the final result (which takes up to a year), eyebrows can be dyed, reshaped if needed, and cared for as usual.

      What happens to the donor area after an FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplant?

      The advanced FUE ARTAS technology ensures the most efficient extraction of hair follicles from the occipital area. Therefore, after the procedure, there may be only slight pinpoint redness in this area, which disappears on its own within a few days.

      How much does an FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplant cost?

      The cost of the transplant depends on the number of grafts being transplanted. The exact cost of an FUE ARTAS eyebrow transplant can be provided by the doctor during an initial consultation, after examining your condition, discussing your expectations, and designing the new shape of your eyebrows.

      Natural eyebrows of the desired thickness - once and for all

      Our clinic is the only one in Ukraine that has passed certification for the use of the innovative FUE ARTAS technology for eyebrow transplantation. The procedure is performed by an experienced transplant doctor, which guarantees its safe performance and an excellent result.

      Після проходження процедури ви отримуєте пожиттєву гарантію на отриманий результат.
      We will help you get eyebrows of the desired thickness in just 1 session and provide a lifetime guarantee.

      Fill in the data to make an appointment for a consultation

      We will always be happy to help you at our Men’s Hair Transplantation Clinic!