TOP-10 myths about hair transplantation

TOP-10 myths about hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is the only effective way to get rid of baldness. Despite the fact that hair transplantation has been used for several decades, many people are still afraid of this procedure. There are many myths circulating around hair transplants that can make the decision difficult. Here is the truth about the most common beliefs about hair transplantation.

1. transplanted hair requires special care.

This is not true. After the rehabilitation period, which usually lasts no more than 5-7 days, transplanted hair does not require special care. Normal shampoos and conditioners can be used, as well as masks and other hair cosmetics. Women can even color their hair.

2. hair transplantation is a painful procedure

The procedure is carried out using local anesthesia, so it does not cause pain. Sometimes it can cause slight discomfort with increased individual sensitivity and a low pain threshold.

3 Long rehabilitation is needed after hair transplantation.

Modern hair transplantation methods are minimally invasive. Since the skin is minimally damaged, recovery takes an average of 5 days. Following the doctor’s instructions makes this period faster and easier.

4 Transplanted hair is different from your own hair

Many people fear that transplanted hair will differ from natural hair or grow in the wrong direction. This is not true. Grafts are taken from the same patient, usually from the occipital region, so the transplanted hair will not differ from the rest. The direction of hair growth is also taken into account, so there are no such problems.

5 Several treatments are needed to get the desired result

This is another false claim. In most cases, baldness can be cured with a single treatment. The exception is when baldness covers large areas and transplantation of a large number of follicles is required. In addition, baldness may progress in some patients, which may require a repeat procedure in the future.

6 Scars remain after transplantation

In the past, the strip method was used, which often led to scarring. However, modern, minimally invasive techniques are now used. Doctors transplant single follicles, so the skin is minimally damaged and the risk of scarring is negligible.

7. hair transplant can lead to cancer

Hair transplantation has no connection with cancer. Modern medicine has no evidence of such a link. In addition, doctors follow sanitary and hygienic standards during the procedure, so the risk of infection is minimal. It is important that the procedure is carried out by a professional.

8. after transplantation, hair cannot be cut or styled

For the first few months, while the follicles are fully adapting, traumatic procedures that may affect the final result should be avoided. However, in the future, transplanted hair can be trimmed to any length. Various hairstyles are also allowed, including the use of blow dryers or other devices.

9. transplanted hair is prone to hair loss

While some believe that transplanted hair will never fall out, others believe that it is more prone to fall out. The balding process is not related to the hair transplant. In most cases, it depends on internal factors such as hormone levels, certain diseases or chemotherapy.

10. transplantation gives an immediate result

In fact, transplanted hair may fall out shortly after the procedure, but new hair will grow in its place, as follicles remain alive. In most cases, you have to wait a few months before the new hair begins to integrate with the natural hair, and the final result can be assessed only 1-1.5 years after the procedure.
If you suffer from alopecia, but are unsure about the decision to have a hair transplant, schedule a consultation at our clinic. Our specialist will conduct an examination, assess the condition of your scalp, answer all your questions and help you find an effective method to solve the problem.